“Thank you to all staff for continuing to provide us with fun activities no matter what the world brings!” – Macey’s Mummy
Here at Activate we know the importance of spending time together as a family. We strive to ensure throughout the year we can provide opportunities for families to have fun and do exciting things together. In the past we have planned family trips throughout the Summer, family fun days inside the centre and throughout the pandemic we arrange a weekly family hunt in the Park. Our activities change from year to year so please keep a look out at what exciting family activities we will be planning on doing next!
“Great fun on our last hunt, all toys found. Thank you all, these have kept us entertained on our Wednesday afternoons.” Isabella’s nannan, Activity Hunt
“It was lovely to see kids walking round with their parents writing down what they had seen.” Val, a regular dog walker in the park.
“We had a lovely day, we went to Madam Tussauds and spent the day with the “stars!” – Anna, Mum of playgroup and summer club children, Family Trips
“I don’t think we would have ever got the chance to come here if it wasn’t for the High Street Centre so thank you to all the staff for a lovely day out.” – Mum from Fun Zone